Tagged: Milton Friedman

Economics vs. Political Philosophy

One of my great bugaboos in conversing with my sometime allies in the American conservative movement is their all too frequent infatuation with, and deference toward, free market economic theory. Let me state this as clearly as possible. Economics in the modern form — the form into which it has evolved since, like its sisters among the “social sciences,” it detached itself from...

The Profit Motive, Greed, and Tyranny

Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. — President John Adams, 1798 Is there some society you know that doesn’t run on greed? — Milton Friedman, 1979 In a famous 1979 interview, Phil Donahue challenged Milton Friedman to defend capitalism against the charge that it fosters greed. Friedman deftly parried that greed motivates men in all nations, not merely...

The Conservative Case Against School Choice

For years, many conservatives have argued that the surest path to improving the quality of education is to pressure the public schools into better performance by forcing them to compete for funding with private alternatives. Specifically, the hope has been to allow parents to opt out of public schools and use their share of the state’s education budget on private schooling. Enthusiasts for...