Tagged: Saudi Arabia

The Problem with Demagogues

No one in America cares about this sort of thing anymore, but Americans used to emphasize, with pride, that America was a republic, not a democracy, which is to say that theirs was a “government of laws, and not of men,” i.e., that no individual could simply function as a tyrant after garnering enough votes to achieve power.  Donald Trump, like a child...

Trump Goes Lower, If That’s Possible; and A Word from Rand Paul

A day after announcing that his administration would not take any action to “punish” Saudi Arabia for the revolting murder of a private (non-American) citizen — overall, probably the right decision for U.S. Constitutional reasons — Donald Trump, as usual, has shown himself to be the dumbest and most immoral man ever to pleasure himself as American president. Today, from the smelliest pits...