Tagged: right to bear arms
When, in the aftermath of every well-publicized mass shooting, emotional or opportunistic people say things such as, “How many children have to die before you are willing to do something about guns?” they are not really engaging in dialogue, trying to understand alternative points of view, or even seeking any reply at all. They are merely trying to score rhetorical points against “the...
Progressives are preternaturally disposed to defend their tyrannical inclinations by intellectual subterfuge, such as by turning issues around on their opponents through obfuscation. For example, it is typical for progressives today to defend their wish to confiscate guns or severely regulate gun possession on the grounds that in a civilized society, citizens would not be carrying weapons around in the streets — perhaps...
Okay, this may sound like baby talk for most of you, but in the current political climate the most obvious musings are often considered radical, subversive, even cuckservative. So at the risk of insulting the intelligence of this website’s typical readers — while simultaneously challenging the intelligence of the typical readers at your more popular “conservative websites” — let me observe, simplistically, that...
For decades, American progressives of both the “left” and “right” have insisted that those who cite the Second Amendment as their defense against “common sense gun control” must provide impenetrable arguments against such measures as universal background checks, the banning of so-called assault rifles, and restrictions on carrying a concealed weapon. The right to bear arms, they say, surely does not entail unlimited...
Jerry Adler of Yahoo News and the Huffington Post — two dutiful servants of the Communist Party USA’s subsidiary, the Democratic Party — grudgingly accepts that he, like all Americans, has the right to own a gun for sport and (though he personally finds this icky) self-defense against criminals. But he cannot abide the suggestion that he has the right to defend himself...