Tagged: RedState

Random Rants

Trump is at it again, congratulating Turkish Islamist thug, opposition persecutor, and press censor Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on his recent election victory as de facto ruler for life, just as he congratulated Russian KGB thug, opposition persecutor, and press censor Vladimir Putin on his recent election victory as de facto ruler for life, and just as he congratulated Chinese Communist Party thug, opposition...

How the Conservative Media Looks Since Becoming Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda

I recently wrote about the mass purge of Trump critics (i.e., non-sycophants) at RedState, in the aftermath of which the site’s co-founder, Erick Erickson, declared the “old RedState” — that is, the actual constitutionalist-leaning political commentary website that used to go by that name — “dead.” How dead? Well, a few weeks back, I took a quick scroll through the site’s recent articles,...

RedState After the Purge

A few weeks ago, RedState, one of perhaps only two popular American conservative news sites to have maintained a healthy presence of non-cult-friendly opinion on Donald Trump’s presidency, underwent a sudden pro-Trump purge, firing most of its writers associated with Trump criticism, including some of its more popular writers, and all of its best ones. Here is a brief report on the result:...

“Conservative Media’s” Populist Purge Continues

I used to write regularly, and quite successfully, for a popular conservative website, entering my self-imposed exile here in Limbo only after my old friends decided that Donald Trump was George Washington, “MAGA” was the Declaration of Independence, “The Wall” was the Constitution, and progressive populist idolatry was conservatism, i.e., when they actively joined the so-called conservative media’s purge of all Trump criticism....