Tagged: racism

George Washington, Un-American

When George Washington’s memory has been deemed “unacceptable” to Americans, will America still exist? In the fundamental transformation of any nation, there will be a moment that stands as the symbolic termination of that nation as anything recognizable, and the beginning of a completely new nation unrelated to the old except in name. For example, you will know England is over when Shakespeare...

On Race Language: The Good, The Bad, and The Indifferent

As an addendum to my recent article about the linguistic tyranny of political correctness (read it here), please indulge me in the following rant. In response to the above-mentioned article, a very thoughtful reader e-mailed some of her own reflections and experiences, including the following: In regards to being purely descriptive, and not being potentially racist or some other hateful term, I find...

The World Before Racial Hypersensitivity

Imagine a world in which one can actually describe the human species concretely, as one finds it, without measuring every utterance against the ever-changing barometer of political correctness. Imagine a language that actually communicates positively, naturally, rather than forever masking itself in unnecessary, propagandized euphemism in order to avoid the ultimate progressive sin of “offending” someone’s indoctrinated sensitivity and delicateness. Imagine the freedom...

School Coach Branded Racist For Calling Thugs “Thugs”

Imagine if behind every little thug, there were larger, stronger thugs ready to defend those little thugs against criticism or correction. In this situation, thuggery would always grow, and all defense against it would be futile, until at last most people would  just give up and either join the thugs or hide quietly in their corners all their lives. This self-perpetuating thuggish world...

The Unforced Errors of Knee-jerk Progressive Hatred

A tennis commentator fired by ESPN for supposedly making racially derogatory remarks is suing the network for wrongful dismissal. The details of the case are so ridiculous, and so revelatory of the truly racist mindset of progressive activism, that, given today’s politically correct atmosphere, one can only assume the lawsuit will somehow result in the commentator being sentenced to life in prison. Here are the insane details: Doug Adler,...