Tagged: multiculturalism

Random Thoughts On Politics

The United Kingdom — the falsest country name outside of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea — has devolved into tribal ignorance, untethered anger, seething racial hatred, and mass thuggery on all sides. And now, to make matters worse, she even has riots too! It seems that the chief emblem or symptom of modern British society, soccer hooligans, has spilled out of the...

Culture vs. Humanity

To treat what we moderns call “culture” as an absolute — as we do when we speak of multiculturalism or cultural appropriation — is to reduce humanity as a species to its social conventions and habits, which means to deny the existence of any underlying human nature, which nature may, under varying conditions, manifest itself in alternative conventions and habits. In other words,...

Culture and Nature

No one who sincerely espoused an attitude worthy of the name “multiculturalism” would ever imagine that multiple cultures — let alone all cultures — could or should coexist under an umbrella of mutual love and acceptance; for this would be to denigrate the very notion of culture. As though the various ways of human living, developed over centuries of survival, poetry, and faith,...