Random Thoughts On Politics

The United Kingdom — the falsest country name outside of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea — has devolved into tribal ignorance, untethered anger, seething racial hatred, and mass thuggery on all sides. And now, to make matters worse, she even has riots too! It seems that the chief emblem or symptom of modern British society, soccer hooligans, has spilled out of the stadia and onto the streets. It doesn’t help that much of the population is alcoholic, and all of it entangled in the cobwebs of a thousand-year-old class system that now operates about as smoothly as a Tory government. 

All attempts at “multiculturalism” are bound to result in either the trivialization or disembowelment of all cultures, thus leaving a moral and political vacuum where a country’s unifying spiritual core ought to be, or the balkanization of society, i.e., a country comprised of competing and irreconcilable factions so fundamentally unlike in principles and practices that although they may live side by side for generations, they can never live together, never form a community.

Kamala Harris, the anointed heir apparent to Joe Biden’s presidency, has chosen her vice-presidential running mate. He is a white male, and, as far as I know, neither homosexual nor in transition to some other gender. Only the first woman vice president and the first woman-of-color presidential “nominee” (never having really been nominated to anything) could dare make such a bold running mate choice in today’s Democratic Party. For what it’s worth, he certainly couldn’t be any less impressive or attractive than J. D. Vance — who, to be fair, is also white, male, and heterosexual, but in a context where that doesn’t seem like such a brave public statement.

Vladimir Putin, who might be the most comical mass murderer in history by now, if so many of his global lackeys and apologists were not achieving popularity and power throughout the Kremlin-propagandized world (e.g., most famously, the United States), has responded to a successful Ukrainian incursion into Russian territory by calling it “another major provocation.” When an expansionist dictator is reduced, two and a half years into his unprovoked all-out invasion of a neighboring country, to whining that his victim’s efforts to survive by daring to fight back against his overwhelming war-crimes-level devastation are provoking him — as though seeking to justify his tyrannical aggression retroactively — it is obvious that his pathetic failure has him at wit’s end. Sadly, rather than laughing at him with the rest of us, and thereby giving a glimmer of hope to Russia’s desperate population, the US under its current bumbling management will likely warn Ukraine not to do anything that might “escalate” the situation; and under its possible upcoming management, will propose a champagne summit with Putin to offer him “a great deal” with other people’s lives, in exchange for his agreeing not to march all the way to Kiev for at least the next two years.

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