Tagged: mental health

Might this be your limit, Trumpsters? (Rhetorical Question)

Over the weekend in America, two insignificant nobodies imagined they could make their lives meaningful by shooting dozens of strangers and claiming, to aggrandize their emptiness, that their aimless spiritual suicide was some sort of quasi-political statement. In carrying out their self-damnation, the two insignificant nobodies used guns, much like the ones owned by millions of law-abiding citizens who, in accordance with the...

Trump’s Health Report

The presidential physician, Dr. Ronny Jackson, has given Donald Trump a clean bill of health, including and especially mental health — I say “especially” because the press grilled Dr. Jackson on this. Many, not only among radical leftists but also among civilized humans, are responding to this news with a combination of incredulity, conspiracy-theory accusations, and above all, crushing disappointment. Shame on them....