Tagged: Jamal Khashoggi

Trump Goes Lower, If That’s Possible; and A Word from Rand Paul

A day after announcing that his administration would not take any action to “punish” Saudi Arabia for the revolting murder of a private (non-American) citizen — overall, probably the right decision for U.S. Constitutional reasons — Donald Trump, as usual, has shown himself to be the dumbest and most immoral man ever to pleasure himself as American president. Today, from the smelliest pits...

Should the U.S. “Punish” Saudi Arabia?

In the wake of the CIA’s assessment that Muslim Brotherhood-friendly “journalist” Jamal Khashoggi was indeed murdered on the orders of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, many were anticipating the reaction of Donald Trump (i.e., his handlers), who had promised “severe” punishment for the Saudis should the Turkish government’s allegations turn out to be true. Trump’s latest official response, however, is to prioritize...