Tagged: Hitler

From the Vacant Lot Where Bill Kristol Used to Reside

Elon Musk, as I have previously discussed here, has been widely accused of giving a Nazi salute to his fellow Trump supporters, said accusation consisting in an object lesson in establishing a truth by dint of endless repetition of a blatant lie. For the video clip of the supposed neo-Nazi outrage is readily available for all to see, although I am quite sure...

Trump, West, Antisemitism: That’s Entertainment!

Much has been read into Donald Trump’s recent meeting with rapper Kanye West and his friend of antisemitic convenience Nick Fuentes. Trump is a celebrity opportunist and publicity whore whose troubled mind and untethered ego get him, along with anyone foolish enough to take him seriously, into a lot of trouble. Kanye West, as far as I can see from my vantage point...

More Random Reflections of a Distorted Moment

In 1932, millions of Germans — the most educationally “advanced” of peoples at the time — understandably felt betrayed by a corrupt political and financial elite, and hence surmised that even if you disliked his manner and distrusted some of his advisers, this Hitler fellow was making many important points. “At least he loves his country and wants to make Germany great again.”...

Hitler, Trump, and Other Unrelated Things

Today, during the latest episode of The Impeachables, a Stanford University professor of some sort — honestly don’t know and honestly don’t care — replied to a straight line from one of the Democratic “questioners,” who pretended to ask (for what possible purpose? — I don’t know and I don’t care) how a U.S. president is different from a king, with this zinger: I’ll...

Trump Espouses Chamberlainism

“The White House confirmed” — the building itself does the talking nowadays, since none of the occupants can string a grammatical sentence together — “the weapons cutoff would happen.” Yet again, Donald Trump reveals for all the world (a) his fawning admiration of Islamist strongman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, (b) his Neville Chamberlain underwear, and of course (c) that he’s a moron. From the...