Tagged: George Will

Random Thoughts on Upside Down Things

After a second mass shooting within a week, the propaganda servers inform me that, “Celebrities react to Boulder shooting, call for gun legislation.” And this is news because “celebrities” — professional fakers, pretenders, generally empty-headed people of little or no talent who (poorly) entertain others for a living because they never learned how to do anything adult or serious with their lives —...

Weekend Reflection: Where There’s a Will…

  George Will, elder statesman of American conservative punditry, is urging readers to vote for Democrats in the 2018 midterms, in effect endorsing Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House. Naturally, the erudite Will has an elegant rationalization for supporting panderers to leftist activists — so elegant it almost sounds like dispassionate reasoning, until one remembers that hypocrisy masquerading as dispassionate reasoning is...