Tagged: George Washington

Random Reflections: Property, Isolationism, Partisanship

Private property.– Beware the man who suspects or critiques private property. It is not your material possessions he has in mind, at least primarily. For what is personal property in the ordinary (though artificially limited) sense? It is nothing but the outward manifestation of your life — your time, your thought, and your effort. The tangible results of the time, thought, and effort...

U.S. Election Aftermath, Part One

Yesterday, I wrote in my U.S. Election Day post that I was pleased to have the opportunity to set aside the thunderous climax of the flatulent election coverage (Republican tribe version), in favor of enjoying lunch and some reading time with a young friend here in Korea, a philosophic student of mine, who had offered to bring salad and doughnuts to my office....

“Racist Parts of America’s History”

On July 5th, a group of “protesters” toppled a large public statue of Christopher Columbus in Baltimore’s Little Italy. The statue broke into chunks as it hit the ground. The “protesters” threw the pieces into the harbor. And if Americans of Italian descent find this overtly violent expression of hatred for their heritage upsetting or threatening…well, Columbus was racist. Recently, a group of...

Notes from Underground

Just the other day, in the context of discussing the wave of monument destruction currently devouring the American heritage, I parenthetically asked whether, now that even George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, not to mention such lesser lights as Teddy Roosevelt, are being officially banned from the public square, or the public school, as inappropriate viewing, it can be long before Mount Rushmore gets...

A Contrast of Styles

I offer you this brief comparison of two great presidents: the one who made America great, and the one who is making her great again. Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness. — George Washington, June 8th, 1783 George Conway, often referred to as Mr. Kellyanne Conway by those who know him, is VERY jealous of...

Honorable, Smart, Funny Kim Jong-un; and a Tweet from George Washington

Kim Jong-un, whom Donald Trump recently praised more effusively and unqualifiedly than he has ever praised any American president, has, apparently as part of his enthusiastic surrender to Trump’s giant hands and amazing chess mastery, spent the past couple of weeks upgrading his nuclear weapons program and executing an army officer who ordered extra food for his starving troops. Had Barack Obama chosen...

George Washington, Un-American

When George Washington’s memory has been deemed “unacceptable” to Americans, will America still exist? In the fundamental transformation of any nation, there will be a moment that stands as the symbolic termination of that nation as anything recognizable, and the beginning of a completely new nation unrelated to the old except in name. For example, you will know England is over when Shakespeare...