Tagged: E. Ray Moore

Limbo’s Greatest Hits: #9

Back in January 2017, when the Trump administration was shiny and new, and America seemed merely about to devolve into the death throes of unrestrained progressive demagoguery, rather than actually to have done so, one of the fanciful dreams of the cultists and their fellow travelers was that Trump’s brilliant choice for education secretary, Betsy DeVos, was about to set the school universe...

Bronze Star Chaplain Urges Exodus from Public Schools

One of the side benefits of engaging in lonely battles of the noble-but-seemingly-lost-cause variety is that one quickly learns one is not so lonely after all. On the contrary, one is reminded that it is precisely those people willing to fight such battles who are the most likely to make a true friend, which is to say that genuine loneliness is ultimately the burden of...