Tagged: conservative media

A Religious War Among the Heathens

Those inclined to employ the popular platitude among American conservatives to the effect that their country was founded on something they call “Judeo-Christian values,” as though Judaism and Christianity were essentially the same thing, or at any rate had very little discernible space between them, must be finding their world — which is now defined almost entirely by their “alternative” media — quite...

When Your Agenda is the Only Truth

A boy with military training who apparently skipped the class about loyalty to country has given his online gaming friends a bunch of secret Department of Defense documents as a means of showing off. The alt-right and the Fox News types — i.e., the half of the Republican Party and the mainstream media that has repeatedly proved in practice that it would willingly...

A Ratings Boost For The Devil

Lo and behold, it turns out that right from the beginning of Donald Trump’s election fraud hoax, the leading voices in the so-called conservative media — the prime time hosts at Fox News — openly stated among themselves that they knew this was a hoax, that there was no massive election fraud, and that Joe Biden had won the election. But they decided,...

Principles and Their Consequences, Political Entertainment Edition

Whatever it might once have been, or may someday be, at this moment Fox News — that media entity as a whole, as may be judged, with total fairness, by its most popular and unfettered content — is essentially a fount of quasi-Soviet propaganda served with neo-Nazi overtones. It is an apologist for genocidal terrorism, a willing mouthpiece for messaging framed by the...

Predictabler and Predictabler

Yesterday, I noted that there is a discernible movement afoot among some factions within the American “conservative media” to encourage their readers or listeners to detach themselves from Donald Trump, as he begins to seem like a liability going into the midterm elections. As I explained, this trend does not represent a serious attempt to reassert conservative or constitutionalist principles in defiance of...

Blood Money

I see that Tucker Carlson, in the final hours before Vladimir Putin, whom he admires the way many teenage girls admire the boy band BTS, launched his all-out attack against a non-aggressive sovereign country, engaged in a typically stupid pro-Putin screed aimed at fellow Trump bootlicker Lindsey Graham. Senator Graham had dared to criticize the tyrannical behavior of Carlson’s crush, and to warn...


I was all fired up this morning to write about Tucker Carlson’s latest shoeshine work for Vladimir Putin, a topic I addressed back in December, when it became obvious to me — admittedly I might have been late to the party, since I would never actually watch a Fox News show on purpose — that Carlson was an overt propagandist for Putin, and...

Abjectly Stupid Person, Heal Thyself

Ann Coulter, one of the most audacious and enduring stars (read “unprincipled profiteers”) of the so-called conservative media, has read the tea leaves and, after a few years helping to foment the unique brand of anti-American hatred that is “MAGA,” suddenly realized that there was no future in it, i.e., no long-term career prospects in the Trump cult industry. That is to say,...

The Conservative Grassroots Today

The schoolyard sore loser as international pitchman. Donald Trump has just announced that he is suing Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) and Jack Dorsey (Twitter) for “censorship.” For a man who serially threatens lawsuits (and a lot of other things) and then backs away, this definitive step forward is quite noteworthy. Here is what it shows me: Donald Trump, a lifelong grifter and name salesman...