Tagged: Christianity

Decadence and Diamonds

Decadence, in normal language, means “deterioration” or “decay.” (The Latin root suggests falling down and the French derivative form suggests decaying.) For a long time in English, the word has been used only about human behavior and social conditions. If we say someone is decadent, we are saying his way of life is deteriorating or wasteful, such as one who lives for luxury...

Passing Remarks On Late Modernity

We are all supposed to defend the idea of democracy today as though our lives depended on it. In fact, anyone who fails to do so, or who dares to ask questions such as whether this democracy we are all bound to defend amounts to anything in practice but the blunt force of absolute majority rule, is condemned or ridiculed as an enemy...

“We don’t have any indication of a motive at this time”

Welcome to yet another wonderful, reality-evading episode of Politically Correct Agenda Land. On today’s episode, Salman Rushdie, an author who has been under Islamic fatwa issued by the Iranian mullahs for over thirty years, who lived for a decade under constant police protection, and whose various associates around the world have been attacked, sometimes fatally, for their connections with him, is stabbed to...

As for the “Christian homosexual” candidate…

Yesterday, I mocked fraudulent evangelical hypocrite Franklin Graham over his holier-than-thou critique of Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg’s claims of being a “Christian homosexual.” Specifically, I questioned how any alleged religious leader who has praised Donald Trump as God’s chosen one, while ignoring or obfuscating about Trump’s well-known and proudly-declared life of sin, can claim any moral authority in objecting to Buttigieg’s attempts...

God vs. Private Property?

My article, “Hysterical Christian-Haters for Property Rights” got a fair amount of attention from people craving some kind of rational conversation about that lynchpin issue of modern liberty — property rights, that is, not Christian-hating. Every time I write about property, however, there are always a few holier-than-thou progressives lurking in the weeds to say, “But Christianity is against private property ownership.” If...