Tagged: Barack Obama

The Last Line of Defense: Property

“Property is theft.” Proudhon’s classic anarchist paradox is more than a catchy slogan for international leftism. It encapsulates a complete and comprehensively absurd view of humanity, one which finds its contemporary apotheosis in President Obama’s more prosaic rendition, “You didn’t build that.” In other words, “You didn’t build that” is just “Property is theft” without the irony. By speaking his true mind without...

Obama, the Pope, and the Faithful

The recent controversy stirred by Pope Francis’ criticism of the free market has had one beneficial side effect: it indirectly demonstrates the extent to which Barack Obama’s American apologists have more in common with a faithful flock than with independent, free citizens. As I am all too aware that this topic is a minefield, both among the Pope’s Catholic defenders and among supporters...

Progressivism: Revenge of the Sociopaths

If the closest confidante and advisor to an extremely consequential American president had written a fantasy novel about a heroic social agitator with a plan to bring about a “benevolent” progressive dictatorship by instigating a brutal civil war, might one imagine that an honest press would take an interest? In fact this has happened, and America’s actual press has tried to dismiss the...

Obama’s Fake Twitter Followers Explained

(Originally published in September 2013) Barack Obama has 36.9 million Twitter followers, 19.5 million of whom, it turns out, are fake. This is a very disturbing sign for Obama’s opponents, as it demonstrates just how much appeal the president still has with his key support base, namely those who identify most closely with him on a personal level — fake people. The Daily...

Is Trump the GOP’s Obama Moment?

(Originally published in May 2016) Many critics of Donald Trump’s presidential run have likened it to that of his spiritual predecessor, America’s historic first Fraud in Chief, Barack Obama. The comparison is apt on various levels. One of the defining peculiarities of Trump’s success so far—and I am not one of those who insist he could never win the general election—is that a...