Tagged: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
A few notes on the Democratic National Convention, a political event I would be even less likely to watch than a Republican National Convention. At least this year’s RNC (of which I watched a total of about one minute) involved some intrigue concerning how the party was going to frame itself so as to hold the wide range of voters it needs in...
Everyone’s favorite congress-barmaid Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has shocked the world by reminding everyone that not only is Israel guilty of the moral crime of defending itself against a gigantic infiltration by a well-organized tribe of murdering, torturing, immolating, kidnapping lunatics, but, even worse, that same racist and sexist nation had the audacity, back in 2019, to deny visas to two of her older and...
Headlines I have read over the past several hours…. NFL World Reacts To What Donald Trump Said About Rihanna. Well, I know there are three extremely popular entities in that exciting headline, none of which any of us would ever have heard of if we lived in a semi-rational universe. And as completely uninteresting and irrelevant as is whatever Rihanna does, or whatever...
Yet again, socialists are out to prove beyond any doubt that their ideology is entirely rooted in, and fueled by, one overriding passion: envy. There is no subject more revealing of the Marxist mind than “the rich.” The moment a Marxist (or socialist or progressive) is asked to explain why it is problematic that some people are enormously wealthy, while others are not,...
This week’s inadvertent comedy routine from the Democratic Party’s unforced implosion features Nancy Pelosi calling out her party’s newest Marxist Moronettes — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib — identifying them as extreme leftists, and therefore legislatively ineffective and self-marginalizing. In response, the most shameless attention-seeker among the Marxist Moronettes, Ocasio-Cortez, has damned Pelosi and the rest of the older...
I see that the “Trump right” (i.e., the nationalist left) is all up in arms today, half hooting and half aghast, at the latest Marxist abomination from the revolution’s new mascot, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. From Right Scoop: The latest socialist idea from the mouth of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is to put the government in charge of basic banking to use the US Post Office to...
Well, the Mueller report on Russian interference in the 2016 election (aka “the heavily redacted Mueller report,” in the words of the mainstream media) has been released, and, without having read one word of it, I can tell you that it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that everyone in Washington is exactly what he or she is and has always been....
Remember when Hillary Clinton faked a Southern Baptist preacher intonation and accent when she was speaking to southern black audiences? Remember, for that matter, when Barack Obama, a Hawaiian-born and -raised mulatto with a Kenyan father, educated in the privileged upper echelons of “white America,” put on that same intonation when he spoke to black audiences? (I know, of course, that these days...
Mike Lee, Republican senator from Utah, gave a speech prior to the Senate vote on the Democrats’ “Green New Deal,” in which he promised to give the proposal “the respect it deserved,” and then proceeded to invoke Aquaman and giant sea horses as the most feasible means of realizing its absurd goals. In response, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the House of Representatives’ female approximation of...
There is no point in trying to explain any of this, but perhaps by placing it all out there in some semblance of order, a coherent picture will emerge in someone’s mind — preferably not the picture that keeps trying to form in my mind as I look at all of it. Donald Trump summarily canceled sanctions his own administration had leveled against...