Of Cool Cats and Coffee
As many of you know, one of my hobbies is photography, and I post a lot of my pictures here in Limbo. (All the photos on the website are mine, unless I am in them.) Another one of my hobbies is walking — incessantly, obsessively, some might say maniacally. And as I am almost always at my university (work being another one of my maniacal obsessions), much of my walking and photography are done on or around the campus.
A non-professional photographer typically shoots just what he likes, which in my case means natural objects, sunrises, rocks, mountains, and unusual interactions of light and shadow. Once in a while, however, something you wouldn’t normally care about catches your eye and screams “you have to get a picture of this.” If you’re lucky, you might even get a little more than you expected. Here are a few “odds and ends” from my recent photo folders, pictures I like but haven’t found any good place for yet. I hope you enjoy them.
I don’t like cool things, and I don’t like cats; and yet this little guy with his bike just gave me that James Dean feeling.
True, under the sun,
The race is not to the swift —
But under the moon…
Sometimes even ugliness has its purpose, such as to remind us of beauty.
Okay, I adjusted the light here to find that “American in Paris” effect. If Vincente Minnelli can do it, why can’t I?
A little man waits,
Amid Limbo’s green half-life,
Thinking of his fate.
“How far can I reach?” —
A man asks himself sometimes —
“Is it far enough?”