Multiculti America, Trump Style
Trump created his cult mainly by blustering that he was all for Americans citizens and would protect them from the onslaught of illegal immigrants. Now he gets the same cult cheering by promising to make more of those illegal immigrants into U.S. citizens than even the Democrats wanted, insisting these Mexicans are necessary to fill all the amazing jobs he’s creating.
You have to give Trump this much: He knows how to take the temperature of his base, and when he sees he has them on perpetual fever, he blithely goes ahead and says whatever he has to say from day to day, not worried in the least about losing their support with contradictions, betrayals, and outright kicks in the face. He is daily “shooting someone on Fifth Avenue,” to use his phraseology, and true to his boastful prediction, he loses nary a quasi-soul from the most devoted gang of zombies this side of…well, I won’t name names, lest I be accused of comparing Trump to “X.”
I am not comparing Trump to anybody — to do that I would have to isolate who or what he is, and I have long since given up imagining that such a thing is possible. Trump is no one.
Rather, I am comparing Trump’s followers to every other cult of personality over the past century that was large enough and self-annihilating enough to serve as the momentum-gathering mass of a great national collapse.
Is this cruel? I don’t think so. What is cruel is the sad truth that America’s compulsory schooling establishment has so effectively achieved its goal of reducing a population of individualists to a frightened mob of dependent followers that a substantial plurality of that mob has followed its fear-induced anger right into a bubbling pit of boiling stupidity at the very moment when they (or their erstwhile friends in what was once the conservative movement) might have built enough steam to stand a chance of making a real difference at the voting booth for once.
That chance is gone. They have given themselves and their country the most progressive pro-amnesty president in American history, the most aggressively anti-Second Amendment president in American history, and the most panderingly protectionist president since Herbert Hoover. Trump did not cause this predicament. Millions of weak-willed, short-sighted idol-worshippers caused it.
Unfair to brand millions of people I don’t know from Adam as weak-willed, short-sighted idol-worshippers, you say? Fine — then let us confine ourselves to that tiny minority at the “top” of the cult-heap, the editors and writers at the major “conservative” websites, the major national “conservative” talk radio hosts (Glenn Beck excepted), the major “conservative” “Christian” leaders, and the major “conservative” lobby groups in Washington, all of whom have joined the cult with at least as much verve and blind self-betrayal as the most desperate unemployed blue collar worker, but without that desperate man’s excuse, viz., desperation.
Just the other day, a good reader chided me for my “rabid anti-Trumpianism,” objecting that he finds this tone “boring.”
Actually, I’m not rabid at all. Quite calm and reasonable, in fact. I also have almost no interest in Donald Trump. I’ve met more Trumps in my ordinary, somewhat sheltered life than anyone should have to. They’re not hard to “figure out” or read, if one has the least curiosity about, or experience with, human nature. This particular Trump who happens to be POTUS is just a little more extreme and laughable than most of the others, or perhaps just rich and lucky enough to have written his laughability across the sky in a manner that most other Trumps lack the opportunity to do.
So Trump himself is of little consequence to me. What I’m “rabid” (I would say “passionate”) about is suicide. I just have no patience for suicidal inclinations or behavior — though I have plenty of patience and sympathy with suicidal people themselves, as long as I see they are trying to find a way out of their despair. I try to talk them back from the self-destructive ledge first, and then to help them discover a healthier outlet for their melancholy. If that doesn’t work, and they continue to insist on self-destruction, then I think it important to speak bluntly to those around them who might be harmed by the normalization of suicide in their midst — especially urgent when I see plenty of evidence that this normalization is actually having an adverse effect on the souls and lives of those others.
American conservatism — and I will stipulate that by “conservative” here I merely mean “inclined to recognize, appreciate, and prefer the U.S. as founded to the progressive neo-Marxist monstrosity that has been superimposed on that founding design” — is currently committing mass suicide, using Donald Trump as its instrument of death. I see it as a personal mission to do what little I can to fight against that — at least by being a one-man support group for that tiny minority, some of whom I know personally, who can hardly believe what they are seeing around them, are losing lifelong friends to this suicide cult, and are looking for someone to help them understand what is happening, or to make them feel less isolated in the midst of all this carnage.
So I too would like to write more often about other things. I have a pile of good stuff in draft form, waiting to be polished up for posting. But then, virtually every day, I wake up to another absurdity from the Trumpstablishment, and more baloney rationalizations from people I used to think were at least marginally more serious and principled than the hardcore progressives. Then I think of some of my closest American friends, and how hard a time they are having with family, friends, editors, and former compatriots who have exiled them to their own versions of Limbo for the sin of resisting the call of cult. And so I write, partly in solidarity with their absurd plight.
I can’t help it. I feel a bit like Anne Frank, keeping a record for no one in particular, in the hopes that some day my words might help someone to make sense of what I see happening around me. Does this cost me some readers, real or potential? Sure it does, thousands of them, as a matter of fact. (Yes, I know that for a fact.) But I believe there are higher prices to pay than lost popularity — which is one notable difference between “The Donald” and me. He will lead a suicide cult for the sake of his fame. I won’t join one for the sake of mine.