If… (Ockham’s Razor Edition)
If a man claiming to be a religious leader has made twenty million dollars of personal profit from his church or other church-affiliated enterprises, then he is not a spiritual leader — he is a businessman. His product is the illusion that immortality can only be reached through his material gain.
If a president is not intellectually capable of giving a coherent answer to this simple question — “What is socialism?” — then not only is he not capable of “stopping the socialists,” he is the socialists’ dream come true.
If a man, while in his seventieth year, stood as a presidential candidate and advocated socialized medicine as an ideal, while claiming it had been a great success in many countries, then he is neither morally nor politically inclined to oppose socialism in any way, shape, or form — and anyone who believes he is is about as reasonable as one who adheres to the moral teachings of a so-called religious leader who has made millions of dollars of personal profit from his church.
If a man claiming to be a political leader has made twenty million dollars of personal profit from his political speech or related media endeavors, then he is not a political leader. He is a businessman. His product is the illusion that freedom can only be reached through his material gain.
If a man whose business is profiteering on the desperate hopes and weak-mindedness of his fellow men — whether through fake religious leadership or fake political leadership — were looking for the most like-minded and materially profitable political ally to whom to attach himself, who could be more perfect than one who has spent a lifetime as a businessman whose product was nothing but the profiteering illusion as quasi-religion, and who is now using his cynical business acumen to sell the desperate and weak-minded on his greatest illusion ever, namely the illusion of himself as the embodiment of both church and political movement?