Category: What is The Establishment?

The Winning Versus The Woods

In 2014, the Republican Party grassroots, consisting largely of people who identified themselves as constitutional conservatives, backed Matt Bevin, a strong senate challenger to Mitch McConnell in the Kentucky primary. The most prominent name to come forward in McConnell’s defense, both as a public advocate and a major campaign donor, was Donald Trump, who directly attacked the Tea Party in defense of the...

Alien Logic, Part Five: The Disturbing Truth

The New York Times, followed by its usual partners in crime, CNN and The Washington Post, has “learned from high-level sources” — i.e., received a memo from its employer, the government — that the UFO report due in Congress this month will claim to have no direct evidence of alien spacecraft. The mainstream media, eager to maintain both its revenue stream and the...

Alien Logic, Part Four: Conspiracy Theories

There are compelling arguments to make against the notion that the United States government is concealing knowledge of aliens visiting Earth by means of otherworldly technology. I will not recite those arguments here. I wish instead to address the two most common arguments of the skeptics, arguments I regard as so logically unsound that they actually lend credence to the believers. Stated in...

Contradiction and the Cultist

There is no human being more singularly identified with Donald Trump’s rise from kook fringe primary candidate to viable Republican frontrunner than Steve Bannon. In fact, one could make the case that no one is more responsible for that rise — or more to blame, depending on how you judge the matter — than Bannon. Bannon himself, however, quickly became somewhat estranged from...

On Needing a Drink

I recently wrote about Van Morrison’s courageous, legacy-endangering “No More Lockdown” songs, celebrating the sanctity of natural rights and condemning the tyrannical government expansions being imposed in the name of public health. I also explained that the only famous musician to answer Morrison’s call for allies in this daring project was Eric Clapton. Allow me to add one consequential note: Neither man drinks....

Van the Man

We live in a world in which character and courage are measured in increments of one, by which I mean that we encounter so little public virtue today that any instance which does appear stands out before our consciousness in startling contrast with the surrounding moral emptiness. There can be no doubt, at the first glimpse of such an anomaly, that we are...

What Are We Laughing At?

Almost everything that passes itself off as intelligent comedy today — particularly that of the “social criticism” or “political humor” variety — is in fact nothing but helpful compliance and submission to the oppressive ruling class, exactly as genuinely intelligent humor can never be. A true satirist aims his sharpest spears at the established powers and attitudinal norms, and says precisely the thing...

Easter Musings: What We Have Learned

The man whose life is celebrated on Easter weekend died at age thirty-three, having been earnestly engaged in the full blossom of his life’s mission for just a few short years. He died condemned as a criminal, and at the time was mocked and ridiculed, or simply ignored, by most of his fellow men. So much for the ultimate significance of empires and...

Comments on CPAC 2021

I have too many things to do in whatever life I have left, and not enough life left to do all of them, to have wasted one second of my time watching this year’s Trump sore losers’ denial party that self-mockingly called itself “CPAC” (Conservative P….something, whatever). I am therefore unbesmirched enough to comment on this lost boys festival and its meaning. Donald...

Random Thoughts: Life, Death, the Living, the Dead

A student sent me a text message today consisting of the following questions: “Why is it important to try to think and find the existence of my soul? Why do you live?” Interestingly, the second question implies that the terms of the first question — thinking and finding the existence of the soul — are coextensive with the question of why I live....