Alien Logic, Part Two
I mentioned in Part One that I find it more than odd that after all these years, and particularly in the most recent of these years, the U.S. military can produce a lot of individuals who claim to have encountered things “not of this world” during flights, but so far has failed to produce a single persuasive image or video of the encountered otherworldly objects.
Last year, videos were “leaked” to the world from military sources — these are the videos that have become all the rage this past month, as anticipation grows to fever pitch over the Department of Defense’s report to the U.S. Senate, due in June. In Part One, I noted how the most popular of these videos, purporting to show a mysterious object zig-zagging over the ocean before plunging into it, was neither zigging nor zagging at all, but merely made to appear so by an unsteadily held camera. It was merely a very slowly descending object, too far away from the camera and filmed in far too low a resolution to establish anything about it other than that it was gradually, unbrokenly, unspectacularly, descending into the sea, as various very earthly objects might be expected to do.
The second most famous of the videos is the one that shows a “pyramid-shaped” UFO flying against the night sky. This one struck me as uninteresting the first time I saw it, almost certainly just an effect of the camera lens, especially since, as is obvious, almost every discernible object in the video appears “pyramidical” in exactly the same form as the supposed UFO.
I recommend the following YouTube video, which explains exactly how the triangular effect was caused, and reproduces it perfectly — in exactly the same way it was originally produced.