Alien Logic, Part Six: “Truly Unexplained Vehicles”
The Washington Examiner, like all establishmentarian media outlets in the U.S., has spent much of the past three months trying to cash in on the readership value of alien invasion, now that virus invasion has become a little stale from the money-grubbing opportunist point of view. One thing we all know about the mainstream media is that they will not let dampening facts get in the way of their craven profiteering.
After months of breathless hype, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence has released its report on UFO “sightings” by military personnel or equipment — let us leave aside the question, always conveniently avoided, of whether any of the “sightings” actually involved human visual contact with any object near enough to be described meaningfully — which declares, fairly directly, that although the Pentagon has no explanation for some of the things that have been reported, they have no big intergalactic discoveries to disclose either. Specifically, the report notes the alleged cases of objects moving in ways that seem to suggest extraordinarily advanced technology, but merely catalogues these as reported cases, i.e., things alleged to have been observed, though not verified. In fact, the report is deliberately non-committal to the point of acknowledging, with regard to unexplained cases, that, “These observations could be the result of sensor errors, spoofing, or observer misperception and require additional rigorous analysis.”
The first news I read on this Pentagon assessment at The Washington Examiner outlined pretty much what I have just said here. A few minutes later, I popped back over there to review the wording of the report’s main findings, only to discover that the top story on this Pentagon report had been replaced with a commentary by one Tom Rogan, obviously a man in for the full dose on this alien invasion story. His analysis concludes with the following textbook example of journalistic (or at least logical) malfeasance:
The most capable intelligence apparatus of the most powerful nation on Earth says that some UFOs are likely to be truly unexplained vehicles.
“Some UFOs are likely to be truly unexplained vehicles.” That is a barely veiled euphemism for “extraterrestrial origin.” But the report says no such thing. It says only that some of the things alleged to have been seen by military personnel, or found on military sensors, remain, for the time being, in a category marked “other,” comprising cases that would require further investigation or analysis to determine what they might have been. It does not claim that these “other” cases are “likely” to be any particular kind of object, let alone “truly unexplained vehicles.” More plainly, the alleged objects involved in these “other” cases are unexplained by definition — that is, they lack an explanation at this time; but that they are “vehicles,” meaning intelligently-controlled super-human technology beaming here from Galaxy X, is nowhere stated or even implied in the language of the report. It is a pure interpretive fabrication consistent with Mr. Rogan’s personal wish. He would like to assume that any unexplained sighting of objects in the air “by trained military observers” (trained to identify alien spacecraft?) may be identified as a verified or “likely” case of ETs invading U.S. airspace.
That interpretation, to put it politely, constitutes boyish wishful thinking on Mr. Rogan’s part. If one is prepared to assume that “unexplained” means “inexplicable by any earthly consciousness,” then yes, the Pentagon has just confirmed over a hundred cases of alien surveillance of U.S. military operations. If one falls back on the old dictionary definition of “unexplained,” i.e., lacking an explanation, then this report seems, shall we say, somewhat less spectacular.
But then where would the media be in its endless quest for profiteering incitement of, and excitement over, mass paranoia and hysteria? Likewise with all the nonsense headlines I have seen since the report’s release, declaring “U.S. Government: UFOs are real.” If we are half-honest with ourselves, we know that the people who write such headlines, or the accompanying articles, know perfectly well that “UFOs are real” means absolutely nothing, and that these writers are aggressively manipulating perceptions (i.e., lying to the public) when they use this language in such a false way. We hardly needed the U.S. government to tell us that UFOs are real. The first time an early man looked up, noticed something wafting through the sky that he had never seen before, and thought, “Ugh?,” unidentified flying objects were officially real.
As I noted in my first observations in this “Alien Logic” series, if the media really wanted something to get the public excited about, they could try acting less like lackeys and loudspeakers for the political establishment for once, and start asking hard questions about why the U.S. federal government believes it has the authority — moral or constitutional — to manipulate and commandeer public information, such as by actively marginalizing and belittling private citizens for decades, over a question of science and metaphysics that has, in principle, relevance and ramifications for all human beings, entirely independent of political machinations. In other words, one thing this story highlights, although it is highlighted equally well by a hundred other equally revealing but ignored stories, is that the United States government has been acting as an unlimited authoritarian propaganda state for generations.
That might make an interesting storyline for the media to latch onto. But they themselves are willing and indispensable accomplices in that storyline, so don’t hold your breath waiting for those headlines. Apparently, the world population and its “news” sources are now in substantial, if not complete, agreement on one point: It is much more comfortable (not to mention entertaining) to believe that a threat to our world is confronting your military than to believe that a threat to our world is controlling your military. Hence, dreamers and paranoiacs alike are clinging to the former, highly speculative notion, devoid (so far) of a shred of persuasive evidence, while the latter, less entertaining notion has been staring us all straight in the eyes for generations, so well-established that it now qualifies as self-evident. And yet we look away.