Tagged: war

When Does Appeasement Become Active Alliance?

The question that forms the title of this short post has been answered in one of the clearest ways possible: Appeasement of a tyrannical aggressor becomes open and active alliance with that aggressor when the appeaser explicitly sides with the aggressor in rejecting a simple UN resolution reiterating that body’s three-year-long condemnation of the tyrant’s ongoing war of annihilation against a sovereign nation,...

The Doorstep of Chaos

A vainglorious megalomaniac with the world’s largest stockpile of nuclear weapons is fighting a war of aggression intended to break the will and splinter the unity of the West once and for all. The most populous country on the planet, with the largest military and third largest stockpile of nuclear weapons, has used the world’s economic opportunism to pay for the development of...

Two Reflections On the U.S. Election

In less than two weeks’ time, The United States of America will vote for one of the two alternative methods of losing World War III. A vote for the Democratic Party as it now exists is a vote for engaging in the fight but then, when the priorities of economic totalitarianism at home and global progressive activism abroad rise to the forefront of...

Preserving the Establishment

The American government’s old guard establishment in both parties wants Ukraine to lose the war, but slowly. The establishment’s upstart wing, comprised mainly of populists of the right, including the farcically-named House Freedom Caucus, wants Russia to win, and quickly. Neither side is quite willing to state its genuine position directly, at least so far, although the loonier puppets of the populist faction,...

Will The Real Jordan Peterson Please Shut Up?

Yet again, Jordan Peterson, the energetic academic psychologist cum profiteering alt-right blowhard, has put his mouth where he believes the money is. That is, since most of his paying audience — believe me, he has no interest in any audience that is not paying, and by god they certainly will pay — is comprised of young males who believe Donald Trump is infallible,...

Two Students

I have taught a significant number of foreign students in Korea who have come here for any number of reasons, from participating in formal academic exchange programs to being drawn by a fantasizing obsession with K-pop singers. I have enjoyed many memorable experiences with these visitors to my classes over the years. Recently, however, two particular cases occur to me often. One was...

Garry Kasparov Calls BS on the World’s “Strong Response”

I am just placing this out here for those who, like myself, do not have Twitter accounts and generally do not waste time in the world of competing echo chambers. Here, for once, is an echo that deserves to reverberate around for a while. Open your mind to it, and give it your full consideration. That’s all….

The War Analogy Revisited

If you were facing a necessary and inescapable war, one which would unavoidably result in significant loss of life on your side, which of the following strategies would you choose? (1) Pursue a short war with a decisive win, resigning oneself to heavy losses early in the name of getting the worst of it over with and proceeding to the victory parade as...

This means war!

A lot of people, from Trump on down, and from all political angles, are in love with the “war analogy” with respect to this virus outbreak. I have rejected that analogy on its face for a number of reasons until now, but since so many insist on invoking it, let’s go there for a moment. An enemy is at the gates. The entire...

Clash of the Doomsday Cults

For those of us still clinging to some semblance of rational humanity, few things could be more disturbing — or, at least from my perspective in Limbo, more predictable — than the prospect of the world being caught up in a domino chain of competing doomsday cults.  That is where we appear to be headed as I write, with the cult of Donald...