Tagged: social justice

Modern Tyranny: More on the Tribunal

A few days ago, I commented on the amusing case of Beto O’Rourke, last year’s wonder boy of the Democratic Party, who is now, as the Marxist wheel turns, an embarrassment to the progressive cause because, as a white male, and therefore (obviously) a beneficiary of white privilege, he has no right to run for U.S. President against female or black candidates, i.e.,...

What a Progressive Has to Worry About!

The problem with being a progressive is that progressives eat their own. You cannot be a dedicated progressive without knowing that by the very nature of “progress,” you yourself will soon be obsolete, at which point being a prominent member of last year’s progressive vanguard ceases to be an asset and becomes a sack of cement tied to your ankles. So it is...

The Tribunal Digs In

Recently, I have had frequent occasion to discuss the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist tribunal mentality that American progressives are invoking on a regular basis in their latest attempt to push the United States one fateful step closer to the one-party communist rule they clearly long for — though they will always laugh at you (a little too loud, methinks) for noting this longing. I call it...

Political Correctness: The Moron Files

Ages ago, Howard Cosell used the common old-timer’s phrase “little monkey” to describe an NFL wide receiver who was quick and agile. Unfortunately, that receiver also happened to be of a certain race that fake-sensitive white progressives are just sure needs to be protected from old-fashioned compliments that might seem, to complete morons like themselves, to imply a racial stereotype. Ask those fake-sensitive...

Communist Canada Cleanses Its History

John A. Macdonald was Canada’s first prime minister. In view of his essential role in forging the country’s original constitution and solidifying its status as a unified nation independent of its powerful southern neighbor, he is often and justifiably regarded as Canada’s closest approximation to a founding father. Naturally, then, he and his legacy are being airbrushed from Communist Canada’s revisionist history. You...