Tagged: property rights

The Morality of Property

Private property, contrary to two centuries of socialist activism against the idea, is essentially a moral tenet, one of the most universal and naturally occurring of all moral tenets. As such, it is perhaps the single most effective social tether on the monster of coercive violence which lurks just around the corner in all human societies. And while in common perception it is...

Note to “Social Conservatives” On Property Rights

Earlier today, I posted a short essay on U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch’s complete sellout of the principles of constitutional jurisprudence, in the form of his majority opinion on radically changing the meaning of the 1964 Civil Rights Act’s wording on sex discrimination in the workplace to “protect” voluntary sexual behavior, rather than merely biological sex, i.e., inborn reproductive traits. The crux...

Hypocritical Rhetoric on the “Right”

Walmart in the U.S. has decided to play the virtue signal game by vowing to stop selling certain guns and ammunition, and even asking that customers in states with laws permitting the open carrying of firearms cease carrying their guns openly at Walmart stores. In other words, they are choosing to treat everyone who owns a gun as guilty until proven innocent, although...

Free Speech vs. Licentious Speech (Part I)

Recently, there has been a lot of gab on the internet about “freedom of speech” in relation to various platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and the like, which are owned by progressives, restricting or denying access to conservatives and others expressing non-progressive opinions. The most recent cause célèbre on this issue — I was tempted to write cause macabre — regards the discussion...

Hysterical Christian-Haters for Property Rights

A homosexual coffee shop owner with an angry mind, a foul mouth, and at least a few screws loose, has done Christian conservatives the favor of a lifetime, making the case for a businessman’s private property rights against the progressive oppression of anti-discrimination laws more eloquently — well, at least more bluntly — than any Christian business owner could make it. A Seattle...