Tagged: Nineteen-Eighty-Four

Retelling Nineteen Eighty-Four From The Totalitarian Perspective

I see that the estate of George Orwell, apparently related to its namesake’s legacy roughly as Nietzsche’s sister Elizabeth was related to his, has given its official stamp of approval to a feminist retelling of Nineteen Eighty-Four. Though the new story will allegedly present Orwell’s dystopia from the perspective of Julia, Winston’s love interest in the original, the explicit emphasis on the “feminist”...

Pandemics and Freedoms

Most Koreans are currently furious with that proportion of the Christian minority which, having been vilified and demonized by the Moon Jae-in government for months due to their desire to pray together in spite of COVID-19, has taken to holding public demonstrations in Seoul and elsewhere in protest of the government’s restrictions on church gatherings.  The government, in response to these conscientious objectors,...