Tagged: midterm election

Why Did Ted Cruz Almost Lose?

Though the most recent polls showed Ted Cruz trouncing Beto O’Rourke in Texas, the actual result was quite close — no surprise there, since polls are fraudulent from the get-go, and will only be as accurate as the laws of probability allow. But what has shaken a lot of Republicans is the fact that Texas, a surefire Republican stronghold, has shown so strongly...

An Honest Marxist

Someone in Tennessee has hung an effigy of U.S. Senate candidate Marsha Blackburn from a tree, accompanied by the amusing slogan, “STOP THE HATE.” In response to this, I see that Soopermexican at Right Scoop is describing this as “the winner of the political demonstration most lacking in self-awareness.” I disagree. “Lack of self-awareness” is giving them too much benefit of the doubt....

Weekend Reflections: Red Wave, Beer Daze, Wet Souls

The drunken gang rape of Brett Kavanaugh’s life, career, and family by the Democratic Party, its supporters, and its propaganda arm (aka “the mainstream media”) — based on a flimsy thirty-five-year-old allegation that would, were there any evidence or witnesses to support it, amount at most to a misdemeanor committed by a minor at an underage drinking party — has some Republicans excited...