Tagged: loner

Imaginary Life

The future.– Everyone will die soon, and no one knows how soon, unless he is the one facing that moment right now. You might be next, for all you know. And yet you allow your life’s worth to be reduced by coercive authority and condescending experts to the refrigerated prolongation we call security and comfort, as though it were enough, “for the time...

Introverts and Overload

Perhaps the most interesting and insightful observation made by any academically respected modern psychologist comes from Hans Eysenck, the creator of the oversimplifying and all too social-scientific Eysenck Personality Inventory, regarding the temperament the social scientists simplify as “introversion.” The introvert, he noted, is often misunderstood as a person who dislikes social stimulation, in contrast to the extravert, who enjoys it. On the...