Tagged: Israel

Random Reflections: Rape! Incest! Jews!

Two members of the Democratic Party’s Goon Squad, or Boob Squad, or Doom Squad, or whatever they are — Tlaib and Omar to be specific — have been barred from entering Israel in what is obvious proof of the global Zionist plot. You see, they planned a trip to Israel that had as its sole objective the promotion of the radical Muslim agenda...

North Korea Delivers Shocking Response

I’m stunned, stunned I tell you! After six weeks of surrendering all their nuclear weapons and infrastructure in meek submission to the massive hands and best words of Mr. Alpha Nobel, North Korea has apparently forgotten who is Daddy around here and started issuing ultimatums again, threatening to cancel their big TV “summit” with the pretend leader of the so-called free world. It...

Trump Reveals Jewish Conspiracy!

Finally, thanks to the “tear-it-down” forthrightness of Donald Trump, we have confirmation that global events of this age are all being manipulated and stage-managed from behind the curtain by a massive Jewish conspiracy. This is why the establishment feared him: they knew he would storm into the nerve center of the global Jewish cabal and tell the truth about what he found. This week Trump,...