Tagged: election

Justice as Fairness

A thought for all of those demanding fairness in the U.S. election process, and perhaps feeling that their preferred candidate was treated unfairly on November 3rd. Here is my suggestion, offered sincerely, for making the current democratic election process in the United States as fair as it should be, as it was designed to be, and as it once was: Demand that every...

What I Vote For

Every election season, anywhere in the global arena of election-based politics, we are invited to reconsider our basic democratic principles, by which I mean the premises and purposes according to which we determine our own voting preferences. Thus, as the two or three hundred American voters who have not already cast their ballots prepare to head to their polling stations on November 3rd,...

Whatever Happens, Happens

I am not caught up in this year’s U.S. election season. Some readers, I suspect, probably assume I say that sort of thing merely to express disdain or disgust for the individuals at the forefront of the events, or for the media’s coverage of same. No; I really do not have any particular interest in the election. Which team wins is of no...