Tagged: Dinesh DSouza

A Joke That Gets Less Amusing Each Day

Dinesh D’Souza, arguably the fakest fake intellectual in America’s “right-wing populist” infrastructure, has just pulled back the curtain on his biggest fraud ever — albeit while attempting, per his usual style, to play-act some measure of personal detachment from his own self-promoting, America-hating misdeeds, thereby (he hopes) saving some hope of further tribe-baiting, money-grubbing schemes in the future. Specifically, he has quietly, oh-so-carefully...

Will Anyone Take Debate?

Dinesh D’Souza, having been given a presidential pardon by his owner after being convicted of violating federal election law, has decided to devote the rest of his earthly life — or the rest of Trump’s shelf life as a viable gravy train for conservative media profiteers, whichever ends first — to licking Trump’s boots on the “election fraud” fraud, specifically by accusing anonymous...

Dinesh D’Souza Reveals His Problem

Ben Shapiro is basically Rush Limbaugh for smug millennials, which is to say a moderately clever profiteer of the Republican establishment, but one who substitutes snotty rich boy arrogance and snide self-certainty for Limbaugh’s everyman persona, playful wit, and self-deflating vanity. Dinesh D’Souza is a less clever and less circumspect version of Shapiro; he doesn’t know how to hedge his bets against future...