Tagged: cowardice

When Does Appeasement Become Active Alliance?

The question that forms the title of this short post has been answered in one of the clearest ways possible: Appeasement of a tyrannical aggressor becomes open and active alliance with that aggressor when the appeaser explicitly sides with the aggressor in rejecting a simple UN resolution reiterating that body’s three-year-long condemnation of the tyrant’s ongoing war of annihilation against a sovereign nation,...

The Cowards’ Logic: Trump and His Band of Putin Fellow Travelers

The problem with Donald Trump’s political rise, as I have said many times, is not so much Trump himself, but rather the tens of millions of Americans who are sanguine — nay, enthusiastic — about this buffoonish Putin agent and anti-American demagogue running roughshod over their country’s traditions, decimating its alliances, disrespecting its constitution and its institutions, befouling its public discourse, turning her...

What Surrender Sounds Like

French President Emmanuel Macron, a classic little nothing who pretends to importance by proudly serving as Europe’s message delivery boy, has bravely submitted a resolution to the UN Security Council begging for permission from Vladimir Putin to “guarantee unhindered humanitarian access to meet the urgent needs of the remaining population in Ukraine.” They did nothing to help Ukraine prepare for this unjust and...

America, Then and Now

Here is a headline I just read, summarizing a letter to the editor at the LA Times criticizing Bill Maher’s calls to let Americans move on from Covid restrictions: “‘Done’ with COVID? Thank God our grandparents weren’t ‘done’ with World War II.” The obvious difference between the two cases reveals the even more obvious difference between the American mainstream of today, as represented...

On Needing a Drink

I recently wrote about Van Morrison’s courageous, legacy-endangering “No More Lockdown” songs, celebrating the sanctity of natural rights and condemning the tyrannical government expansions being imposed in the name of public health. I also explained that the only famous musician to answer Morrison’s call for allies in this daring project was Eric Clapton. Allow me to add one consequential note: Neither man drinks....

Coronavirus Context: A Personal View

Here are some numbers that might interest you — or might not. In fact, I really don’t care if they do or don’t. I report them for the record, for posterity, for my soul, or merely for the satisfaction of typing what I would rather not scream. Ten: The approximate number of humans on this planet — beyond my friendly band of Limbo...

Fear of Death, Fear as Death

Death comes to all, whether we imagine it everywhere and spend our lives running and hiding from it, whether we seek and embrace it in an act of cowardly bravado aimed at alleviating our overactive imaginations, or whether we simply live our lives to the best of our abilities secure in the awareness that someday it will come. It is coming in any...

Almost Random Thoughts on an Age of Decay

No one intuits the basic moral tenor of an age more clearly than those with a vested professional interest in accommodating themselves to that tenor for personal gain, such as advertisers and other pitchmen. If you want to understand the moral condition and collective priorities of your social environment, spend a day analyzing the advertising techniques and campaigns most pervasive in the mass...

When the Ugly Truth Just Isn’t Funny Anymore

Throughout these months of trumped-up mass hysteria over the Pandemic that Ate a Planet, the progressive paternalists and their slavish multitudes have masked the dishonorable motives behind their drive to lock down entire nations and shut down entire economies — power lust in the case of the paternalists, mortal fear for their own physical existence in that of the slaves — with one...