Tagged: conservative


When the only true thing either side in an argument ever says is “They are lying,” why take sides? The public voices of the neo-Marxist Left insist there is no such thing as a conservative intellectual, merely proving that they have neither any idea what either of those words mean, nor the innate inquisitiveness to find out. In other words, by adopting the...

Republicans Today

Rigged.-– Trump Republicans believe their country has gone to hell in a handbasket. However, they also believe Donald Trump could never have lost an election to Joe Biden except by means of a massive conspiracy. In a sense, their paranoia is understandable: It is true that Trump would seem the most natural and likely winner of any election held in a country gone...

Conservatives and Radicals

A conservative is a person who knows, and never allows himself to forget, that all humans live in the fog, straining to see beyond their immediate surroundings, and therefore always susceptible to the error of assuming that the world within their sight and reach is more real, more essential, than whatever might lie beyond. A radical, also known these days as an activist...