Tagged: coercion

Has America Become Two Countries?

“By overturning Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court has created a situation where different parts of the country are going to have completely different laws about abortion, and people are going to start migrating to states that have laws they prefer!” Very likely; and wasn’t that essentially the intention and glory of the founding concept of The United States of America? A country...

Through a Glass, Blurrily

This week’s celebrity Republican in the mainstream media is John Boehner, who has dragged himself out of his drunken stupor long enough to slur his way through some sort of memoir in which he aggrandizes himself and begs for media love by taking potshots at every other prominent Republican from his musty corner, as the loudmouth bum at the end of the bar...

An Open Letter to Progressives

Dear Progressives, I just wanted to send this note along to ask you a question, namely why you need me to agree with you so badly that you are prepared to hate me, shun me, perhaps even condemn and imprison me, if I don’t agree with you. Let me frame the question a little differently: Why are you so afraid of being left...

Prairie Fire

Hillary Clinton, like all progressives, is projecting her own hatred and radicalism onto her opponents, claiming that communists (whom she still quaintly insists on calling “Democrats”) would certainly be civil if they could, but that civility simply is not possible as long as Republicans remain in power. “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for,...