Innocent 19-year-old Assaulted by 33-year-old Porn Star
Brandon Morse at RedState has a nice short article explaining the complete hypocrisy of the progressives with their phony “Me too” movement. A teenage contestant on American Idol explained that he had never kissed a girl and was hoping to save himself for a meaningful relationship — at which point a world-famous harlot, “singer” Katy Perry, spoiled his hopes and his hygiene forever.
The popular response, of course, was a little different than what you would have expected had the genders and ages been reversed. When the show aired, the grotesque creature’s stolen kiss was not edited out, but rather featured as a beautiful highlight; Perry’s fellow judges laughed and cheered at her gross effrontery, and, as Morse pointedly observes, the leftist propagandists at YouTube (i.e., Google) posted the offensive moment in all its gory — er, glory — as though an act that would have been labeled sexual assault these days in reversed circumstances were merely charming and sweet.
Sorry, no. There is something sweet about a nineteen-year-old man in today’s morally decrepit civilization openly declaring that he doesn’t want to kiss a girl he doesn’t care for. There is nothing at all sweet about a thirty-three-year-old virtual sex worker, one of today’s typical pornographic-video-stars-cum-pop-singers, violating that young man’s innocent dream for the sake of her own creepy gratification and self-promotion.
Let’s face it: Perry (along with her fellow celebrities and all their idol-worshipping fans) thought she was entitled to intimidate/trick/force the kid into kissing her on the lips on national television because, after all, she is famous, and therefore undoubtedly assumed that all his thoughts of saving himself for a “special” moment would fly out the window were he presented with the great honor of being smooched by a millionaire bisexual smut-merchant whose lips have probably been in places a self-respecting sewer rat wouldn’t go. It is simply impossible for her and her cohorts and acolytes to imagine things otherwise.
When Donald Trump infamously told a TV host about his penchant for grabbing and kissing women at will, and boasted that they let him do it because he’s a star, progressives fell over themselves denouncing his sleaziness, his disrespect for women, and his callous violation of other people’s personal space, dignity, and wishes. But when the assailant is a woman frequently voted among the “sexiest people alive,” happens to be a pop music icon, and acts as spokesmoron for every fashionable identity politics cause of the moment, then apparently the very same attitude and behavior condemned in Trump are to be lauded and envied. “I mean, who wouldn’t drop all hopes of genuine emotion and sincere intimacy for a chance to be molested by the beautiful Katy Perry?”
One “No” vote over here.
(And by the way, just for the record, I would still be a “No” vote for this kind of thing, given the context, even if the power-abusing celebrity in question were actually a beauty, rather than an off-the-rack unisex babe smeared with more garish make-up than Cleopatra with a pimple on prom night.)
(One more clarification: Some will point out that American Idol likely staged the event in question, as if that were a counterargument to my thesis. On the contrary. I was out of the box very early on this “reality TV” phenomenon, always recognizing that the genre’s very name is a lie of Orwellian proportions. Consequently, I do not watch American Idol or any other “reality TV” programs, and actually find the whole concept abhorrent — which, I suppose, is one reason I remained immune to the Trump virus while so many otherwise reasonable people fell ill.
In fact, the hypocrisy is much worse if Perry’s behavior, and the boy’s reaction, were completely staged. For in that case ABC and the show’s producers actually planned, scripted, and acted out a dramatization of behavior the mainstream progressive media has spent the last year defining as sexual assault, and then presented it to the public as cute and amusing.)