Hollywood Has Spoken
George Clooney, a grinning celebrity who has never done a single thing in his career as a popular entertainer that will be remembered, let alone celebrated, beyond his space-occupying, mega-carbon-emitting lifespan, but who was given a Hollywood star gold pass to the nefarious Council on Foreign Relations and is therefore officially qualified to speak about political matters as though he had some kind of knowledge, credibility, or sincerity, even though he makes his living as a professional faker, and an irrelevant one at that, is now, right on cue, making a Democrat-establishment-approved statement, via the establishment’s propaganda rag of record, that the Joe Biden he encountered in person recently is no longer fit to run for re-election — even though on his own account he reached this conclusion last month while participating as a celebrity attraction at a successful fundraiser for Biden’s re-election. Democrats should care what Clooney says today, in spite of, or rather in defiance of, what he was saying last month, because he is more famous than they are, and, well, who even bothers with trivialities like logic, credibility, or consistency anymore? It’s “What are we supposed to say this week?” all the way to victory! And beyond! And that impish grin! And he was so memorable in that movie about…oh, what the frig was it called again? Well, anyway, he looks a bit like Cary Grant, and Cary Grant was the biggest fake of them all, and a communist sympathizer to boot, so heck!