Category: Pandemic that Ate a Planet

Lockdown Fever

The United States of America has been more locked down and restricted — particularly in its most populous areas — than almost any country on Earth this year. Nevertheless, she reports the world’s highest numbers of coronavirus cases and deaths. Needless to say, political progressives and their officially recognized “health experts,” with the backing of their media promoters — tyrannical souls all —...

Herd Immunity, Tyrant Style

Back at the very beginning of Global Totalitarian Lockdown Fever, in Italy, the justification offered for the extreme assault on individual liberty was that the death rate from COVID-19 was so terrifyingly high that governments ought to spare absolutely no effort to curtail the spread of the virus at all costs. At that time, I argued loudly and repeatedly that this reasoning was...

Notes from Social Distance

Joe Biden, in accordance with longstanding despotic tradition, has urged Americans to accept “shared sacrifice” in “the war” against COVID-19.  The meaning of “shared sacrifice,” in government-speak: Private citizens will sacrifice more and more of their liberty, and the government will take that liberty. Hence, “sharing.” So far, the United States of America has fought this “war” exactly the way she fought Vietnam:...