Category: America Descending

Politics Imitates Life

Jim Jordan, a careerist boob who would sell his soul (or rather has already sold it) to help Donald Trump win the presidency and Vladimir Putin win the war — two sides of the same coin — is vowing, as his primary pledge in seeking the speakership of the U.S. House of Representatives, to support no further financial aid for Ukraine. Rand Paul,...

Trump for Speaker?

I love this idea. Several Republican members of the House of Representatives, along with some prominent populist authoritarian “pundits,” are actively seeking to put forward Donald Trump’s name as a nominee to replace Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House. One of those sympathetic to the idea, apparently, is Jim Jordan, a prominent member of the House Freedom Fraudsters, whose name is also...

The Wages of Sin

Kevin McCarthy has been “ousted” as Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. In order to become speaker, and to remain so for this long, McCarthy had to play to Donald Trump and his cult, tell lies for them, and promise to defend them and their moronic causes at the highest levels of the national discussion, rather than consigning them to their natural...

Random Reflections on the Current Scene

Covid-19, as a health crisis: At most, a moderately severe global pandemic, which barely even qualifies as moderate when compared with the 1918 flu outbreak (which the world withstood and transcended quite well, in the end). Covid-19, as a political crisis: At least, the most severe case of globally coordinated authoritarian government expansion and Orwellian speech-crushing propaganda in our lifetime (from which the...

Mission Almost Accomplished

Ten years ago, early in the second term of America’s first overtly socialist presidency, I wrote a book review at American Thinker, “Progressivism: Revenge of the Sociopaths,” outlining the unofficial blueprint, published a century earlier, for the Marxist transformation of America, namely Philip Dru: Administrator by Edward Mandell House. A few years later, I incorporated that review into my series, “Progressivism 101,” on...

The Fox News Republican Presidential Debate Show, in Super 3D

Fox News hosted a fake presidential debate among a bunch of yokels who couldn’t get elected president if you offered all the voters in America free MAGA hats for going to the polls. The guy who stockpiles those hats in his gold bathroom, as camouflage for the boxes of national security documents he stole from the White House, was not present at the...

The Trump Supporter’s Error

The mistake that Donald Trump’s admirers and defenders have consistently made since 2015 may be reduced to one fundamental error of confirmation bias: They saw his flouting of ordinary party politics, ordinary presidential rhetoric, ordinary administrative state regulations, and ordinary Republican establishment conciliation, as evidence that he saw the corruption of modern American politics the way they did, and that he was standing...

Random Reflections On American Politics

The heirs of Frankfurt. — The American left’s intellectual strategists have long believed that the way to break the country’s resistance to progressivism was to forge ahead, with their vanguard fringes displayed in bright colors, in open defiance of the popular consensus, precisely because those fringes would be perceived by the “silent majority” as too much, too extreme, too immoderate and anti-American. The...

Trump, Insurrectionist or Idiot?

A group of highly credentialed conservative lawyers is publicly arguing that Donald Trump is constitutionally disqualified from running for the presidency ever again, on the grounds of his “participation in the attempted overthrow of the 2020 presidential election.” Meanwhile, Alan Dershowitz, the most distinguished liberal lawyer of the past forty years, has spent the past seven of those years so deep in the...

A Defense Alliance For Our Time

Matt Gaetz, U.S. congressman and living proof that Trump-level strategic thinking is alive and well in American government, has responded to a media question about Ukraine’s bid for NATO membership by suggesting that he would prefer to see Russia rather than Ukraine joining NATO, in order for the alliance to be more effective against China. So that would mean a globally aggressive, West-subverting...