Tagged: Ronald Reagan

Debate Fever

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have debated. Everything about that last sentence is absurd. Kamala Harris is an ill-informed fool and tool of the Democratic Party establishment. Donald Trump is a full-blown ignoramus about political matters whose only area of legitimate knowledge, if one may call it that, is salesmanship, albeit mainly in the snake oil sense of the word. A debate, in...

Random Reflections: The Evil Thatcherites and Reaganites

Keir Starmer, the latest in a string of mealy-mouthed and/or self-aggrandizing party men to occupy 10 Downing Street in the shadow of a giant whom they all knew before entering the place that they could never live up to, has decided, in true socialist fashion, to wear his insecurity on his sleeve more overtly than his predecessors. Specifically, Starmer has chosen to remove...

Can You Name the U.S. President?

Everyone who is even vaguely attentive to American politics, and even half-honest about the evidence of his own senses, knows that Joe Biden is no more serving as the active president of the United States — the “here” at which, as Harry Truman said, the buck stops — than I am. That is to say, everyone can see as clear as day that...

Going Down With the Ship, or Sinking It?

A U.S. president should only be truly relevant during a crisis, when someone — someone with authority over the military, for example, or even just having the sobriety and character to set the right national tone — must have the capacity and the will to make essential decisions on the fly, based on a combination of adequate information, sound principles, long-range vision, and,...

John Bolton Reveals the Ugly Truth of U.S. Foreign Policy

John Bolton, the career bureaucratic climber who has, shall we say, “forged” a reputation for himself as a fearless, tough-as-nails military man, has decided, as usual, to add his two cents to America’s current foreign policy discussion, and in the process revealed everything you needed to know — or were hoping not to have to admit — about the U.S. government’s true aims...

The Day of the Jackasses

When all is equally agitated, nothing appears to be agitated, as in a ship. When all tend to debauchery, none appears to do so. He who stops draws attention to the excess of others, like a fixed point. — Pascal, Pensées, §382 A small event this past weekend crystallized the full ugliness of what America has become in the age of Donald Trump...

The Day After: Three Reflections on Smallness and Appeasement

Moon Jae-in’s smiling, hugging, champagne glass-clinking lovefest with Kim Jong-un was one of the most shameful moments in modern Korean history. It was also an indication for all the world that Korea’s future is now in very dangerous hands. Donald Trump, always adept at sensing popular weaknesses to exploit for his own benefit, has pounced to cash in on South Korea’s left turn....