Tagged: humor

Note On Political Humor

I have seen headlines over the past few days railing against the incredible racist fascism on display at Donald Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally. Dismissing this as just the usual mainstream media hyperbole and something-out-of-nothing-ism, I refused even to allow myself to scan any of the articles to find out what the supposed controversy was all about. Today, however, I admit to having...

P. J. O’Rourke, RIP

I do not have much to say about the news that P. J. O’Rourke has died. All I know about him is that he was a libertarian of sorts, and that he was a very funny writer, and on occasion — the phrase “on occasion” in this context being not a belittlement but a high compliment — an insightfully funny one. For a...

What Are We Laughing At?

Almost everything that passes itself off as intelligent comedy today — particularly that of the “social criticism” or “political humor” variety — is in fact nothing but helpful compliance and submission to the oppressive ruling class, exactly as genuinely intelligent humor can never be. A true satirist aims his sharpest spears at the established powers and attitudinal norms, and says precisely the thing...