Tagged: elderly

Age and The Man

Much of the discussion about the U.S. presidential election has revolved around the question of Joe Biden’s fitness for office, and above all his fitness to serve a prospective second term. This narrative feeds all too well into the general tenor of our progressive late modernity with regard to the question of age, wherein it has become increasingly common and disturbingly easy to...

If They Really Wanted to Save Lives

Covid-19 may be debated for years on a number of levels, but there is one point on which no one — no scientist, no statistician, no philosopher, no policy maker — has ever been in doubt, whatever some of them may have said for the sake of their political vested interests: This pandemic, judged as a mortality risk, is primarily, overwhelmingly, and in...

On Those Who Are Not Getting Sick

The most disturbing and dangerous aspect of The Pandemic that Ate a Planet, according to our friends at Chicken Little News (the official information forum of foxywoxy.gov), is the fact that such a high proportion of its victims never get sick, as though it would somehow be better if a higher proportion of the infected required hospitalization. In this irrational End-Times climate of...

When the Ugly Truth Just Isn’t Funny Anymore

Throughout these months of trumped-up mass hysteria over the Pandemic that Ate a Planet, the progressive paternalists and their slavish multitudes have masked the dishonorable motives behind their drive to lock down entire nations and shut down entire economies — power lust in the case of the paternalists, mortal fear for their own physical existence in that of the slaves — with one...

Musings from the edge of doom

News headline I just read, from our good comrades at The New York Times: “U.S. Now Leads the World in Confirmed Coronavirus Cases.” The world-leading number of confirmed infections: 81,321. “Oh my god, that’s so many people! What are we going to do?” Well, the first thing you could do is consider this number: 40,000,000. For that is a rough estimate of the...