Tagged: American Thinker

Proving My Point, Sadly

Very early in 2016, when I stepped into the midst of the rapidly evolving Trump cult at American Thinker (where I had been a successful and popular contributor for several years) to deliver my first few missives on the folly and danger of supporting an ignorant vainglorious self-promoting sociopath in the Republican presidential primaries — I know, when you state it directly this...

The Will of God

Well, I did it again. After days of warning myself not to do it, I finally caved in and typed “American Thinker” into my internet browser on the eve of the U.S. election, like one who just cannot resist the urge to peek at the drunken girl across the street to see whether she is actually vomiting. I felt a little dirty visiting...

The Korean Case: Facts and Distortions

A regular reader directs me to an article at American Thinker, my old haunt (before it actually became haunted), describing the coronavirus situation in Korea. Knowing that I live and work here, he wondered if I could provide any insight into whether the AT article was at all accurate. It took some deep breaths for me to make the foray over there on...

Um, yeah, anything, something, me, us, my tribe, Trump,

While continuing to evaluate the fallout from Mitt Romney’s decision to follow his conscience on Donald Trump — or rather to stab “his team” in the back, as Dinesh D’Souza and other sore winners would have it — I confess to having been weak enough to succumb to one of my guiltiest pleasures, namely to skim the reactions at my old haunt, American...

Tribalism Redux

This morning, I made my usual bi-monthly visit to my old online home, American Thinker, just to see how dank the place has gotten since my time there. Interestingly, I find that on Monday, their top article was a review of Clint Eastwood’s latest movie, Richard Jewell, by none other than George Zimmerman, he of the infamous Trayvon Martin shooting case. Zimmerman used...

Okay, I am officially ashamed

Last evening, as I do systematically, like clockwork, about once every fifty to a hundred days, I swallowed my pride and surfed over to my political commentary alma mater, American Thinker, to see — as if I couldn’t already have guessed — how the most outrageously sold out of all the conservative media sell-outs was handling the latest slew of Trump failures.  Within...

MAGA Thinker

American Thinker, where I published my writing for years with pride, is now a full-fledged den of mindless Trump worship with an increasingly brazen undercurrent of white nationalism. I cannot see into the souls of the publisher and his team of editors — and I suspect I’m much better off for lacking that view — but one need only scroll down the main...

Weekend Reflection: Despicable Me

My writing used to be featured regularly at American Thinker, where I built a substantial readership and gained some name recognition as one of a handful of writers whose work appeared often among the day’s top articles, was frequently linked at other major websites, garnered interview requests, and received on-air citations from national radio hosts. I was proud of my association with American...

Weekend Reflections: Alone and Blue in Limbo

Is he lonely here? Or do the empty spaces define his freedom? On September 14, my old internet haunt Trump is God — okay, it’s still officially called American Thinker, for reasons of nostalgia, I suppose — ran a piece by one Frank Hawkins, an octogenarian, entitled, “The 10 Greatest Americans of My 8 Decades.” I read the title. I stifled a retch....

“Conservative Media’s” Populist Purge Continues

I used to write regularly, and quite successfully, for a popular conservative website, entering my self-imposed exile here in Limbo only after my old friends decided that Donald Trump was George Washington, “MAGA” was the Declaration of Independence, “The Wall” was the Constitution, and progressive populist idolatry was conservatism, i.e., when they actively joined the so-called conservative media’s purge of all Trump criticism....