Category: America Descending

Headlines: Popping Balloons

Headlines I have read over the past several hours…. NFL World Reacts To What Donald Trump Said About Rihanna. Well, I know there are three extremely popular entities in that exciting headline, none of which any of us would ever have heard of if we lived in a semi-rational universe. And as completely uninteresting and irrelevant as is whatever Rihanna does, or whatever...

Tribes vs. Truth: Three Examples

Death counts, be not proud.– If you want to sound credible criticizing pandemic alarmists for padding the Covid death numbers and overstating the efficacy and safety of the vaccines, then it would be a good idea to stop shouting “Aha! The vaccine again!” every time an athlete, actress, or geriatric rock star happens to die. Reminder to both tribes: Dying was invented, and...

Three Reflections on What People Need to Believe [Updated With Trumpiness!]

You can make absolutely any factual claim you wish, supported with the boldest and most unflinching evidentiary assurances to back it up, by merely promising that this overwhelming supporting evidence will be made public very soon. How about not making any factual claim at all unless you are prepared to present the evidence at the same time you make the claim? But no,...

A Passing Thought About Putin’s American Team

Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and dozens of other so-called Republicans are now, with increasingly obvious desperation, expressing open hatred and spreading obvious Russian propaganda about Volodymyr Zelensky and Ukraine, while deliberately ignoring the fact that they would never have heard Zelensky’s name, or have been able to locate Ukraine on a map, had Russia not invaded...

Good Lord, What Wee-ness Is Bred In the Bone of Today’s Ersatz American Conservatives?

Roger Kimball, whose thoughtful discussions of art, education, and progressivism I once attended to with appreciation, and occasionally cited in my own writing, has, over the past five years, become one of the most ridiculously unrepentant and irrational sycophants for Donald Trump. There may be even more irrational cases, but none, I suspect, that have fallen so low from so high. In one...

Drinking Party

Brett Kavanaugh has given the progressive media one more thing to express faux outrage about, by attending a Christmas party with ring-kissing populist Trump punk Matt Gaetz, Trump “adviser” Stephen Miller, and various leaders of the recently-cleansed-of-all-remnants-of-genuine-American-conservatism American Conservative Union (the Trump World CPAC mob). It is understandable, of course, that figures within the government might hobnob with one another, and that in...

Trump, West, Antisemitism: That’s Entertainment!

Much has been read into Donald Trump’s recent meeting with rapper Kanye West and his friend of antisemitic convenience Nick Fuentes. Trump is a celebrity opportunist and publicity whore whose troubled mind and untethered ego get him, along with anyone foolish enough to take him seriously, into a lot of trouble. Kanye West, as far as I can see from my vantage point...

On Trump’s Watch

All the populists and ersatz conservatives who continue to claim, in response to every disaster unfolding today, “This wouldn’t have happened on Trump’s watch,” should be held to account to explain why, if Trump’s watch was so brilliant, all of this is unfolding so precipitously and unstoppably in the immediate aftermath of that wonderful period of the Trump presidency. Far more accurate and...

Two Reflections on a Passing Hearse

Donald Trump has announced that he is running for president in 2024, because Americans just don’t realize how much they are suffering yet, and how terrible things have gotten under the Democratic White House. That’s precious coming from the man who almost singlehandedly created the current Democratic power lunge. After all, it was Trump who lost the popular vote in two consecutive elections,...

U.S. Midterms a Referendum on Saving Putin

Marjorie Taylor Greene, a fascist dimwit of the first rank, essentially the Republican Party’s direct answer to communist harpy Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, announces at a campaign rally that “the only border [Democrats] care about is Ukraine, not America’s southern border. Under Republicans, not another penny will go to Ukraine. Our country comes first.” By falsely framing the border issue as “southern border versus...