Author: Daren Jonescu

Random Thoughts On Politics

The United Kingdom — the falsest country name outside of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea — has devolved into tribal ignorance, untethered anger, seething racial hatred, and mass thuggery on all sides. And now, to make matters worse, she even has riots too! It seems that the chief emblem or symptom of modern British society, soccer hooligans, has spilled out of the...

Reflections On The Human Condition

Hidden premise. — To envy is to resent another for having what you might have had instead. But this implies an assumption that you could have had what the other has, which you would only know if you had actually achieved it yourself, in which case you would have no reason to envy. Hence, envy is, among other things, a convenient veil of...

Olympic Musings

I have not followed or watched a single event at the current Olympic Games in Paris. I will not watch one. I say this not in protest over the fact that a biological man is beating up biological women in the Olympic boxing tournament. For the record, I pity the biological man in this case, because the individual was clearly born with a...

A Few Reflections on the New US Presidential Race

Joe Biden is the lamest lame duck in American presidential history, having been pushed out the door of a speeding car and right off a cliff, never to matter again, in favor of a vice president who has hitherto done absolutely nothing in that role other than give the opposing party plenty of silly moments to laugh at whenever Biden’s own brand of...

Reflections on Current Non-Events

The Olympic Games are in Paris this summer, where men routinely urinate on the streets, so much so that the Macron government tried several years ago to reduce the grotesque effects of this Parisian crudity — the new language of love, I suppose — by installing “discreet” pee buckets disguised as planters throughout the city. Thus, people with the bladders of seven-year-olds and...

Civilization and Female Modesty: Gone With The Wind

Nothing gets deeper under the skin of feminists and their right-thinking progressive allies than the once- and long-honored notion of female modesty. This, of course, explains why the entire progressive program, from public policy and historical reinterpretation to education and popular moral messaging, has made the debunking of the “so-called differences” between men and women, and the obscuring of the very definitions of...

Reflections On Joe Biden’s Withdrawal

Joe Biden has pulled himself from the 2024 presidential election at last. This is the predictable time for Democrats to praise Biden for his courage, as though hanging around months too long, effectively doing everything humanly possible to hand the election to the man he has been saying was going to end democracy and usher in an authoritarian future for America, were some...

Antisocial Reflections

Small talk is for killing time or manufacturing artificial familiarity. My personal motto, or self-motivation mantra, is “I don’t waste time,” and few things are more intrinsically repulsive to my character than artificial familiarity. Therefore, small talk is anathema to me….

Job Conditions

Imagine you are an ambitious career man being offered a prestigious executive position at a major corporation. You learn, however, that the last man who had that job was ordered by the boss to violate the fundamental law of his country, his personal principles, and a solemn oath sworn on the Bible; that the boss not only announced this demand to the whole...

Random Reflections After the RNC

I watched approximately thirty seconds of the Republican National Convention live on the internet. The first fifteen of those seconds were devoted to a careful examination of the first half of a sentence by Donald Trump’s former press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The second fifteen second block was my intensive study of the vice presidential nomination speech of J. D. Vance, which only...