Tagged: sophistry

Today’s Headache: Thugs, Racism, Anti-Semitism

A few thoughts of a Sunday morning migraine. China has “fat-shamed” Greta Thunberg, according to a headline I just read. I hate expressions like “fat-shamed,” as they are indicative of our egalitarian, hurt-no-feelings, “no-fault life” code of amorality — which is itself nothing but the ultimate assertion of judgmental power by the Whining Majority. Thunberg, for her pathetic puppet part, has apparently “responded...

Postmodernity vs. Wisdom

A disagreement which might have been overheard in every humanities and social sciences faculty in every university in the advanced world, before disagreement was banned on grounds of progressive sensitivity: Postmodern Relativist: The historical belief in absolute truth has caused all our wars, inequality, and prejudice. Therefore, absolutism must be rejected in order to overcome these harmful effects at last. Rational Animal: But...