Tagged: Sonia Sotomayor

Fun Correction: Maybe Only the Progressive Is Completely Incompetent After All

I wrote about the incompetence of the world’s ruling “elite” yesterday, citing the amusing example of the back-to-back inanities by U.S. Supreme Court justices Gorsuch and Sotomayor. Apparently, however, Gorsuch was misquoted in the court’s published transcript, which has since been corrected. This leaves Sotomayor, whose “flub” was more outright lie than error, to stand alone as Ruling Class Boob of the Day....

A Simple Reminder of Who Your Betters Are

Last week in the U.S. Supreme Court, the most powerful judges on Earth began their formal dive into the Biden administration’s federal vaccine mandate policy. The occasion was marked by a profoundly representative reminder of what power is really about in this age, and, more sadly, what it is not about. Justice Gorsuch hinted at his opposition to the mandate by commenting that...