Tagged: U.S. Presidents

Presidential Perspective

Last evening, chatting about the D-Day invasion with my wife, and finding that we were fuzzy about certain details, we decided to search YouTube (aka The Anti-Conservative Censorship Gulag of Death) for a worthwhile documentary on the subject. Having at first chosen a recent BBC item, which the documentarian introduced by declaring that he was going to overturn some misconceptions about the relative...

The Most Fun President Ever

Over at my old haunt American Thinker, which a dear friend has aptly redubbed “The People’s Observer,” Sundays used to be reserved for items of a more theoretical nature, items by newer writers the editors were not sure would find a wide readership, and a regular “Week in Review”-style lead article by establishment-friendly columnist Clarice Feldman. This week Feldman, a breathless Trumpette —...