Tagged: Spanish flu

Perspective Update: Covid-19 vs. Spanish Flu After Two Years

I know we have been down this path before. But just as I like to return, every so often, to my point about the tyrannical nature and results of government-controlled education, in spite of having already explained the matter exhaustively years ago (to no effect whatsoever, naturally), so I find myself compelled, periodically, to revisit the issue of proportionality with regard to the...

Discussion Questions for Your New Year’s Zoom Party

Do you believe that the state has the authority — legal or moral — to shut down any or every sector of society as it sees fit, when it sees fit, for any reason that the state has decided warrants suspending all property rights, all private economic activity, and all freedom of movement and association indefinitely? If so, explain? (Note: “This pandemic is...

COVID Context Again (Updated with More Context!)

The other day, in my essay “COVID Context Alert,” I concluded by yet again comparing this year’s fake cataclysm in the U.S. to the same country’s battle with the 1918 flu pandemic: The 1918 flu pandemic death total, by the way, if we could estimate its size relative to today’s U.S. population, would be well over two million — about seven times this year’s coronavirus...

Hyperbole Pandemic Update

The Washington Post rings forth with the thrilling and commercially viable — er, I mean deeply disturbing and alarming — news that “Global deaths from virus soar past 100,000.” How, one wonders, are pandemic death tolls measured for speed, in order to determine which death tolls are “soaring” and which merely “plodding”?  Not being an expert on the art of stoking global pandemic...

The Science of Worst Case Scenarios

Over the past week, I have seen a number of alarmists online — some of them accredited scientific experts with big degrees and fancy job titles — comparing the current coronavirus pandemic to the “Spanish Flu” outbreak of 1918. One such scientific expert is Dr. Bryan Lewis, a professor at the Biocomplexity Institute at the University of Virginia, who has stated publicly (though...