Tagged: Patterico

“Voluntary compliance is absolutely necessary”

Few things are sadder than watching previously reasonable people lose their marbles. America seems to have made this sort of transition its national pastime over the last few years, which is making life for my many American friends downright depressing of late.  For me, one of the most disturbing and disappointing instances of this psychological deterioration is the shift that has occurred at...

Minor Inconveniences

All you have to do these days is question the legitimacy of using the coercive power of government to impose one’s preferred pandemic behavior on one’s fellow men, and voilà: You stand universally accused, by members of all political tribes, of lacking compassion, or of being callous, or of not caring about the elderly, or of not taking this virus seriously. Today at...

Musings from the edge of doom

News headline I just read, from our good comrades at The New York Times: “U.S. Now Leads the World in Confirmed Coronavirus Cases.” The world-leading number of confirmed infections: 81,321. “Oh my god, that’s so many people! What are we going to do?” Well, the first thing you could do is consider this number: 40,000,000. For that is a rough estimate of the...

The Dilemma Facing a Principled American

Patterico has a very good post at his blog today, examining both sides of the “Trump vs. the socialist” dynamic that is causing principled conservatives and constitutionalists in America to lose sleep as they look ahead to November 2020. For some time, he has been toying with the idea of voting for a Democrat (hopefully a “moderate” one) as a small stand against...

Hitler, Trump, and Other Unrelated Things

Today, during the latest episode of The Impeachables, a Stanford University professor of some sort — honestly don’t know and honestly don’t care — replied to a straight line from one of the Democratic “questioners,” who pretended to ask (for what possible purpose? — I don’t know and I don’t care) how a U.S. president is different from a king, with this zinger: I’ll...

Trump proves my point

In my last post, I noted that, thanks to the ascension of Donald Trump and the Trumpists, it is no longer possible to say with ease which of America’s two major parties would be more likely to instigate violent social upheaval to achieve its ends. Within twenty-four hours of that musing, Trump caused a new stir on Twitter by invoking the specter of...

Enough Already With the Trump-As-Victim Stuff

Patterico at RedState has recently become one of my favorite analysts of the nuts-and-bolts nuttiness of the Trump era, and the doltishness of the man himself. He doesn’t rely on hyperbole to make his points, but neither does he pull punches in assessing the “mind” and behavior of the Dufus-in-Chief and his rotating bootlickers (almost said “rotisserie of bootlickers”). His latest is a...